Virtual Learning in a Pandemic

National Center for Families Learning shares free digital resources

The Challenge:

With schools abruptly shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic and parents at a loss for how to keep their kids learning despite schools being locked down, the National Center for Families Learning offered up its bevy of free digital learning resources. As the leader in the family learning/family literacy space, NCFL’s award winning content should be at the top of any parent’s list. However, the shutdowns released a flood of free resources into the market. 

The Plan:

Create a free digital resources “kit” to pitch with media outlets across the country. We focused on large and small outlets and trade media.

The Results:

  • 198 clips online, in print, on radio and television

  • Reach: 291,500,000 unique impressions 

  • Placements included MSN Lifestyle, Medium, POPSUGAR, Good Housekeeping, New York Times, BuzzFeed, and ABC News.


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